I wrote this reflection for the October 2015 Grace Church Newsletter
In the Episcopal Church, members of the congregation are asked each year to make a pledge of what they plan to give to the Church for the entire coming year. At Grace Church we do this in late October to early November, with special events and mailings during this time. For some people, especially for those new to the Episcopal Church, making a pledge may be a new experience.
Why do I make a pledge each year?
First, in pledging I am supporting the parish community to which I belong, and its mission. Grace Church is a self-supporting parish; we as a community have to support our shared work. By making a pledge, I am giving the Vestry and parish leadership the ability to plan for the ministry of the parish in the coming year. By making a financial pledge, I am also saying that I support and want to be part of the mission of the parish. Each year that I have been at Grace Church, I have more and more deeply come to believe that what we do together is the work of God. Part of God’s work to care, to serve and to welcome all at God’s table. That’s something I want to be a part of. So I give.
Second, pledging is a spiritual discipline. Giving is a discipline that people of faith have practiced for millennia. Spiritual disciplines are acts that we choose to do not because we always feel like it or want to, but because they are part of our commitment to God, to each other, and to ourselves. Pledging helps us to know that all that we have, things material and spiritual, is a gift from God. By giving generously, we thank God for God's loving care for our lives, and we dedicate what we have been given to God’s purposes. Giving is a practice of thanksgiving that over time makes us even more grateful for the abundance of God’s grace in our lives. It opens our hearts to the awareness that all life is a wondrous gift. Over the last few years, my wife Sara and I have come to learn how we can build our own family budget around our giving. It has taken time to get there, adjusting our budget each year, but now we tithe. We give 10% of our income away. We give about 1/3 of that tithe to Grace Church through our Annual and Capital Campaign pledged. We give about 1/3 to my wife’s church, Christ Church in Waltham, through Annual and Capital Campaign pledges and about 1/3 to other causes and needs that are important to us. Giving is an important part of our lives, and something we try to teach and demonstrate to our children as well. This discipline helps to remind us on a daily basis that all that we have and do is truly a gift from God. Our giving helps us to know more deeply to grace God has given us all.
My prayer is that pledging will bring you the joy it brings my family and me. My prayer is that it can bring you a greater awareness of God’s grace in your life. And it is my hope that you will join me in supporting the work of this amazing community and church!
Please think and pray about how you can be part of God’s generosity in your pledging and giving to Grace Church this year. And look for a stewardship packet in the mail in the coming weeks, and reflect with us on our giving during our month of stewardship events. Thank you for all you give to our ministry and work together!
The Rev. Noah H. Evans, Rector
Thursday, October 1, 2015
Sunday, July 19, 2015
Celebrating 'Eid al-Fitr
This is reprinted from the Grace Episcopal Church Blog
Most of all, the celebration was infused with a overwhelming sense of immense gratitude. We as Grace Church are very grateful to get to know our Muslim neighbors in a new way and to share a piece of our faith with them in our service and fellowship afterward. We greatly look forward to continuing in partnership with the Bangladeshi community throughout the year.
Tuesday, July 7, 2015
Grace Episcopal Church, Medford Celebrates Marriage Equality
Grace Episcopal Church, Medford Celebrates Marriage Equality
Grace Episcopal Church in Medford celebrates these long awaited civic and religious rights being extended to all people. In a sermon celebrating marriage equality the Sunday after the Supreme Court ruling, Grace Church Rector, the Reverend Noah Evans, told the story of Supreme Court plaintiffs Jim Obergefell and John Arthur and “how the seeds of change came from the love found in the relationship between these two men. It shows us how love grows to change the world…God’s love wins.” In a statement after the Supreme Court ruling, Massachusetts Episcopal Bishops Alan Gates and Gayle Harris described marriage equality in an official statement as “A thing to be celebrated.”
Lucia Page, Grace Church Warden (senior lay leader) said, “…the Episcopal Church's passing of marriage equality is the formal ratification of what our church already actively practices and preaches. It's a community that's truly welcoming of all, and proudly proclaims its belief that all marriages and families matter - that my marriage and my family matter. The announcement further strengthens my faith in God, and makes me so proud to be part of my religious community.” The Rev. Dr. Maggie Arnold, Grace Church Assistant Rector stated, “It is a profound honor to be able to serve all of our members more fully, with the pastoral office of marriage. I am so glad to be part of a church that seeks and serves Christ in all persons.”
Grace Episcopal Church in Medford, located at 160 High Street, is a dynamic, vibrant and welcoming community that is the spiritual home to a diverse congregation of over 200 families with different racial, social, ethnic, cultural, family and religious backgrounds. All are welcome to join in the life of its community.
Monday, June 29, 2015
Interfaith Iftar at Grace Episcopal Church
Re posted from the Grace Episcopal Church blog
Grace Episcopal Church hosted an interfaith Iftar celebration on Sunday, June 28th for the Bangladesh Islamic Society of Massachusetts. During the Holy Month of Ramadam, Grace Church is hosting this local Muslim community for their daily evening prayers as they break the fast. This evening there was an interfaith panel, including our Rector, the Reverend Noah Evans. It is a blessing to be able to offer hospitality for, and support, our local Muslim brothers and sisters.
Thursday, June 25, 2015
Grace Church Participates in Interfaith Vigil for Charleston
Grace Episcopal Church helped to plan an Interfaith Vigil for the victims of the shootings in Charleston on Saturday, June 20th at West Medford Baptist Church. Here is the media roundup of the event.
Medford Transcript: http://medford.wickedlocal.com/article/20150624/NEWS/150628852
CBS Chanel 4: http://boston.cbslocal.com/2015/06/20/medford-church-hosts-peace-vigil-for-charleston-shooting-victims/
Fox 25: http://www.myfoxboston.com/story/29370483/mass-congregations-honor-charleston-church-shooting-victims
Thursday, March 26, 2015
Prayer from Medford Overcoming Addiction Prayer Vigil
This is the text of the prayer that I offered at the Medford Overcoming Addiction Prayer Service on March 22nd at Medford City Hall.
God of love, Creator of us all, we come together this night in vigil for all of those who we have lost to the disease of addiction.
We pray for those who have died.
We pray for those who lives were cut short.
We pray for all of us who grieve, those who have lost family and friends.
We pray for those who are currently lost in the darkness of addiction.
We pray for those who walk with you , o God, in recovery.
We pray to break the silence, to break the stigma, around addiction.
We pray to break the silence about the depth of the crisis of drugs in our own community.
We pray for this community to see and know hope.
The hope that comes through recovery.
The hope that comes through living day-by-day.
The hope that comes as we gather together as a community to be light to the darkness of addiction.
We pray for power.
Your power to change our lives.
Your power to end silence and stigma.
Your power to change our community. To change our community more fully into a place of health, of acceptance, of empowerment, of love.
We ask this in the name of the creator and lover of all life.
Here is the Medford Transcript story about this amazing event:
God of love, Creator of us all, we come together this night in vigil for all of those who we have lost to the disease of addiction.
We pray for those who have died.
We pray for those who lives were cut short.
We pray for all of us who grieve, those who have lost family and friends.
We pray for those who are currently lost in the darkness of addiction.
We pray for those who walk with you , o God, in recovery.
We pray to break the silence, to break the stigma, around addiction.
We pray to break the silence about the depth of the crisis of drugs in our own community.
We pray for this community to see and know hope.
The hope that comes through recovery.
The hope that comes through living day-by-day.
The hope that comes as we gather together as a community to be light to the darkness of addiction.
We pray for power.
Your power to change our lives.
Your power to end silence and stigma.
Your power to change our community. To change our community more fully into a place of health, of acceptance, of empowerment, of love.
We ask this in the name of the creator and lover of all life.
Here is the Medford Transcript story about this amazing event:
Sunday, February 1, 2015
Lent Is Time to Prepare
I wrote this reflection for the Grace Church February 2015 Newsletter
originated in the very early days of the Church as a preparatory time for
Easter when the faithful rededicate themselves and when converts were
instructed in the faith and prepared for baptism. It is believed that by
observing the forty days of Lent, individual Christians imitate Jesus’
withdrawal into the wilderness for forty days at the beginning of his ministry.
I think of Lent, my thoughts turn to Lenten sacrifice. What do I give up for
Lent? Some people give up chocolate for Lent, others give up Facebook – I am
sure you know many things that you or others have given up in the past. I
always think of Lent as a time to break an old bad habit, time to reject
something that somehow causes a prick of my own conscience.
I am unsure whether God really cares about how much candy I eat, or whether I
can’t miss my friends social networking posts. Instead, God does care whether I
love others and not just those closest to me. God does care whether I help to
feed the hungry or nurture a relationship with my community. God cares whether
I spend time with God in prayer and worship.
Lent is not just a season about self-denial; Lent is a season about
reordering our desires, our patterns of being, and our patterns of living to
seek first the kingdom of God and God’s righteousness. And it is also a time to
explore and deepen our relationship with God, who so desires that we know
God. This Lent, I hope to look up from
the self-indulgent guilt of worrying about chocolates and “screen time” and
instead look out to a world that is crying for my compassion, and towards a God
who so desires my attention.
Wednesdays at Grace Series during Lent is entitled “Visions of Jesus” We will be asking, who is Jesus,
really? Understanding the person,
teachings and interpretations of Jesus is central to our faith – yet there are
so many different traditions and strands of understanding him. During this series we will explore some of
the many, many perspectives and understandings of Jesus, his teachings and what
he accomplished through his ministry, death, resurrection and ascension. Sessions will be taught by a variety of
presenters showing the variety of perspectives on Jesus, more details can be
found inside the newsletter.
begins with Ash Wednesday, Wednesday February 18th. We will have services at noon and 7PM, and a
Children’s service at 5:30PM. Join us as
we mark the beginning of this season.
Rev. Noah H. Evans
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